The sources and quality of various herbs in the Extract Plus formulary are checked by Te Li Composite Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Co. LTD, which is GMP and ISO certified, with a long operation history of more than 60 years. The herbs are selected according to the best country of origin, harvesting meth- od and local climate, with the desirable parts screened, cleaned and tested. But more importantly, medicinal herbs that have passed the screening are prepared in accordance with [uniquely designed patented processes such as humidity treatment, extraction, and fermentation]. No matter how good the quality of the medicinal herbs is, if they are not manufactured according to these key processes, they will not be able to achieve the highest standard of efficacy.
In addition to the above-mentioned GMP proto- col, Te Li Composite Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Co. LTD has to check the bacteria counts, pesticides, heavy metal residues, aristolochic acid and other items according to a stringent protocol, and finally sent the product to SGS for final inspection and fingerprint analysis. This is to ensure that the highest quality control standards are met before the product is marketed.
1.Modulates the immune system and arrests aging .
2. Elevates energy level and strengthens stamina.
3. Stimulates appetite and aids difestion.
4. Ensures smooth bowel movements and reduces excess body heat.
5. Enhances metabolism and prevents the 3 ‘highs’.
6. Soothes the nerves and promotes sleep.
7. Protects major organs and balances the yin and the yang.
Effects: A d iuretic, it can increase the excretion of potassium, sodium,chlorine and other electrolytes in urine to relieve various forms of ede- ma. It is also a hypoglycemic that mit- igates spleen deficiency syndrome, with a sedative effect on palpitations and insomnia.
Effects: It can be used for heart palpitations due to lack of energy, pulse generation as well as fatigue and weakness arising from a weak spleen, and diarrhea due to lack of food. It also exerts obvious antitus- sive and expectorant effects. It is commonly used for abdominal pain and limb cramps. It relieves pain and anxiety, alleviates potent drug actions or reduces their toxicity and side ef- fects, actions akin to adrenocortical hormones. It has an inhibitory effect on excessive gastric acid secretion caused by histamine, exerts an anti- acid effect and prevents gastrointesti- nal smooth muscle spasm, thereby palliating the spleen and stomach.
As an anti-inflammatory and anti- allergic compound, it exerts a detoxi- fying effect on some poisons with a glucuronic-acid-like action, and is hence commonly used to treat heat sore, sore throat as well as drug or food poisoning etc. A potent anti- pyretic and detoxifying agent, it readi- ly protects inflamed throat and mu- cous membranes.
Effects: Angelica vol atile oils and ferulic acid inhibit uterine smooth muscle contraction, but its water- soluble or alcohol-soluble non-volatile substances excite uterine smooth muscles. The effect of Angelica on the uterus is biphasic, depending on the functional state of the organ. N- butenolide is effective against experi-mental guinea pig asthma induced by histamine-cholesterol acetate spray. Angelica has antiplatelet, agglutina- tion and antithrombotic effects, and can promote the production of hemo- globin and red blood cells. It also ex- erts anti-ischemic and vasodilatory effects, and ferulic acid has been proven to improve peripheral circula- tion. Angelica has a hypolipidemic effect on experimental hyperlipidemia. At the same time, it enhances both non-specific and specific immune functions. It has protective effects on liver injury caused by carbon tetra- chloride in mice, and can promote liver cell regeneration and restore some liver functions. In addition, it exhibits various beneficial actions such as sedation, analgesia, anti- inflammatory, anti-hypoxia, anti- radiation as well as inhibition of the growth of certain tumor strains and in vitro bacteria.
Effects: Paeoniflorin has a good antispasmodic effect, and has an in- hibitory effect on rat stomach, intes- tine, and uterine smooth muscles; it has certain sedative, analgesic, anti- convulsant, antihypertensive, and vas- odilatory properties. Paeonia lactiflora and licorice are used to treat central or peripheral muscle spasm as well as its associated pain, such as ab- dominal pain and gastrocnemius mus- cle pain. Peony glucosides can regu- late the immune response in mice and enhance the nutritional blood flow of myocardium. Alcohol extracts of peo- ny exert a potent inhibitory action on several inflammation models induced by rat egg white, formaldehyde-type acute inflammation and cotton ball granuloma etc. Paeonia lactiflora de- coction inhibits certain bacteria and pathogens.
Effects: Basil leaf decoction has a mild antipyretic effect, promotes the secretion of digestive juice as well as gastrointestinal motility. It can reduce bronchial secretion and relieve bron- chospasm. The decoction in Extract Plus ex- hibits an inhibitory effect on E. coli, dysenteriae and staphylococcus.
Effects: Codonopsis has excitatory effects on the nervous system and can strengthen the body's resistance. It increases red blood cell and hemo- globin counts in rabbits. It dilates the surrounding blood vessels to reduce blood pressure, and inhibits the pressure-increasing effect of adrenaline. It regulates gastrointestinal movement, prevents ulcer, inhibits gastric acid secretion, reduces pepsin activity etc.
It also helps increase the declining white blood cell count caused by chemotherapy and radiation.
Effects: Dandelion exhibits a strong inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococcus. It is also effective against diplococci, meningococci, diphtheria, pseudomo- nas aeruginosa, proteus, dysentery, typhoid and catarrhal. In addition, it has beneficial protective effect on the gall bladder and liver, and exerts diu- retic, stomach and laxative actions. The decoction also stimulates the body's immune function.
Effects: It suppresses bacteria, detoxi- fies, protects the liver and promotes wound healing. It also dilates the cor- onary artery, lowers blood pressure and glucose level.
โดยตั้งแต่ปี 1998 บริษัท เฟยดา จำกัด สาขาประจำประเทศไทย เริ่มดำเนินงานนำเข้า และเป็นตัวแทนจำหน่ายสมุนไพรเทียนเซียนแต่เพียงผู้เดียวในประเทศไทย
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เอ็กซ์แทร็คท์ พลัส
นิทรา เฮอร์เบิล ฟุทโซค
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213/5 อาคารอโศกทาวเวอร์ ชั้น 6 สุขุมวิท 21 คลองเตยเหนือ วัฒนา กรุงเทพ 10110